Family Law and Domestic Violence in Jackson, Mississippi

If you are planning to divorce an abusive partner or are trying to leave a situation where your partner has been either verbally, emotionally, or physically violent with you, Andrew Sorrentino is a family law and domestic violence lawyer in Jackson, Mississippi who may be able to help you. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, the most dangerous time for a victim of domestic violence or abuse is when they decide to leave an abusive or violent situation. Domestic violence and abuse is often about control and leaving an abusive relationship or marriage often involves the victim taking back their control.

Andrew Sorrentino is a family law attorney who can help victims of domestic violence as they navigate the process of divorcing an abusive partner. We can help you take steps to get a restraining order, assist you in planning how to best leave the situation, and assessing whether you’ll need to find a safe place for you and your children while you place safety measures in place. We can help you understand what kind of role filing a restraining order might have in your divorce case. Often, the decision to file a restraining order can change the course of your child custody case and your divorce. However, while a restraining order can require that your former partner move out of the family home, and while it can legally require that your former partner stay away from you, it cannot physically protect you if your partner decides to act violently.

If you believe you or your children might be in danger, or if you are planning to leave a violent or abusive situation, it is important to get help. Andrew Sorrentino is a divorce attorney who can help you navigate the process of leaving an abusive marriage from a legal standpoint. If you have questions about how you can help keep yourself safe more immediately, consider calling the National Domestic Violence Hotline, at 1-800-799-7233.

Understanding Abuse and Marriage

The National Domestic Violence Hotline notes that relationships often exist on a spectrum. Healthy relationships generally involve open and honest communication, respect, and trust. Both parties feel safe together and apart, and each party has a say in how shared resources and finances are handled. You can want to get divorced, and still have what is considered a healthy relationship. Sometimes couples realize they are not compatible, and sometimes honest communication reveals issues of trust that result in couples deciding that they don’t want to be married.

Unhealthy relationships can often lead to divorce, but may not always veer into abuse. Both individuals may not be communicating, they may no longer trust one another, they may no longer show one another basic consideration. Both partners may be so enmeshed that they never spend time apart. Or, one partner takes control of all the decisions for the relationship. In an unhealthy relationship, there may be no clear boundaries, or one partner may be in charge of making all choices for the couple’s financial life or when making choices regarding how children will be raised. A relationship can be unhealthy but not necessarily abusive. Often people choose to get divorced because they come to realize that a relationship they have is unhealthy in some way. Or they realize that a relationship is unhealthy in one of the modalities of trust, communication, or consideration.

In an abusive relationship, however, one partner may speak to the other in a way that is harmful or threatening. One person may put down the other. One party may not have respect for the thoughts, feelings, or personal boundaries of the other person. In many cases, abusive relationships can be tough to identify for the victim because the abusive partner may blame the victim for his or her abusive actions. In an abusive relationship one partner may have all the control and may make all the choices. The abuser may force the other person to engage in sexual behavior, or may take complete control of finances. In an abusive relationship, there may be physical, verbal, or emotional violence.

If you are married and are in an abusive situation, you may need to take steps to protect yourself and your children as you leave the marriage. You may be considering getting a restraining order. You may be wondering how you can best protect your children. When leaving an abusive situation, it is often best to plan ahead. The Law Office of Andrew Sorrentino is a family law firm in Jackson, Mississippi that may be able to help you.

Protect Yourself and Your Children

Contact The Law Office of Andrew Sorrentino, family law attorneys in Jackson, Mississippi today to take steps to protect yourself and your children. Leaving an abusive marriage can raise unique concerns for victims and families. Our divorce lawyers can help you navigate these additional complexities.