Entrapment Defense in Drug Cases in Jackson, Mississippi

If you’ve been caught either dealing or buying drugs in Jackson, Mississippi, it is important to understand that you are innocent until proven guilty and criminal charges are not the same as a criminal conviction. Police are permitted to use a range of tactics to find drug dealers and drug buyers, but there are limits regarding what police can and cannot do. If you are facing drug charges in Jackson, you may be wondering what rights you might have and what steps you can take to defend yourself and your reputation. Andrew Sorrentino is a drug possession lawyer in Jackson, Mississippi who may be able to assist you if you are facing drug charges.

There may be a range of defenses available to you if you have been charged with drug possession, sale, or intent to distribute in Jackson, Mississippi. One defense is known as entrapment. The entrapment defense is most often used when cops go undercover to attempt to buy drugs from an individual or when cops go undercover to sell drugs. When is entrapment a valid defense? Let’s take a closer look at what may and may not be permitted in a police sting operation and when entrapment may play a role.

Sting Operations and Entrapment

In undercover sting operations, police officers may pose as drug dealers or drug buyers to catch a person in the act of dealing drugs or buying drugs. Police officers may even have real drugs in their possession during a sting. If a person buys a sufficient quantity of drugs from an undercover officer, he or she could be charged with intent to distribute or face higher charges than mere drug possession charges. Furthermore, selling drugs to an undercover officer carries with it higher penalties than merely possessing drugs.

Entrapment is when a person charged with a crime claims that he or she would not have committed the crime without the encouragement of the officer. For example, if a person normally would have no predisposition to sell drugs, but was presented with the idea to sell drugs by the officer, this might constitute entrapment. If an officer pressured a person to purchase drugs when he or she might otherwise not purchase drugs, this could also constitute entrapment. It’s one thing for an officer to stand on a street corner and have someone ask him or her if he or she has drugs to sell, and another thing entirely for an officer to actively push drugs on a street corner.

Another situation where a person might be able to claim the entrapment defense is where a person may have wanted to purchase a quantity of drugs for his or her own private consumption, but then officers pressured him or her to purchase an amount of drugs that could result in higher sentencing. For example, in Mississippi, being caught purchasing higher quantities of a drug could constitute intent to sell. However, if a person would have normally have only purchased a small amount for personal consumption, but was pressured to purchase more by the officer, then the individual facing criminal charges could claim entrapment.

When it comes to making drug arrests, police officers can lie to suspects and can even sometimes purchase drugs in the process of performing a sting. If you are facing criminal charges in Jackson, Mississippi for drug possession or selling drugs, you may want to speak to attorney Sorrentino today. Our attorneys can review the circumstances of your arrest and determine whether police officers crossed the line into entrapment in the sting operation.

Facing Drug Charges in Mississippi?

If you are facing drug charges in Mississippi, you may be wondering whether entrapment is a valid defense in your case. In order to determine whether entrapment occurred, your lawyer will look to see whether police gave you the idea to sell or buy drugs, evaluate whether police pressured you to purchase drugs, or harassed you during any point of the sting operation. You may also need to show that you have no predisposition to buy or sell drugs. Generally, you’d need to show that you are free of a criminal record, and have never been charged with drug sales or purchasing in the past.

If you are facing drug possession charges, your reputation, freedom, and future might be on the line. You may want to speak to a criminal defense lawyer in Jackson, Mississippi who can protect your rights and defend you. Andrew Sorrentino is a criminal defense attorney in Jackson, Mississippi who work closely with clients to defend them in court. If you have questions about your rights if you are facing a drug charge, Andrew Sorrentino is one of USAttorneys.com lawyers who may be able to help you.